Accurately determining how long a research project may take and how much it may ultimately cost can be challenging at the outset. Factors influencing this include: 

  • Surnames of individuals and families 
  • Age of the Deceased when they died 
  • Year of birth of the Deceased’s parents 
  • Size of the family or families  
  • The extent of overseas research required, and if needed the jurisdiction(s) in which that research is required 

As a general guide, the following is an indication of the likely time frames we would expect based on common scenarios we are faced with. It is possible for a matter to become more, or less, complex once we are instructed and research actually commences.   


As a general guide, the following is an indication of the likely time frames we would expect based on common scenarios we are faced with. It is possible for a matter to become more, or less, complex once we are instructed and research actually commences.   

2 days - 2 weeks

 One missing beneficiary, a former address in the UK is available. 

3 weeks - 3 months

 One missing beneficiary, former address available from outside the UK 

2 weeks

Genealogy searches to verify the extent of the Deceased’s spouse(s) and/or issue.  

4 - 6 weeks 

Family tree reconstruction, class of siblings and/or six or less beneficiaries 

6 weeks - 3 months

Family tree reconstruction, class of uncles and aunts and/or more than six beneficiaries predominantly in the UK 

2 months - 12 months

Family tree reconstruction, class of uncles and aunts with high degree of overseas research whether specific lines or individual beneficiaries 

3 months - 18 months

Highly complex family tree, perhaps historic vesting date, solely overseas research, 100 or more beneficiaries 


Meet the Title Research team

Our team of specialists have a wealth of experience, knowledge and expertise to solve complex estate administration cases.