Our international network can assist you with obtaining foreign Grants or resealing existing Grants in specific jurisdictions

When administering foreign assets held in a UK estate, you may be required to reseal the existing Grant in the specific jurisdiction you’re dealing with. Alternatively, you may need to apply for a new Grant in that jurisdiction. 

Title Research maintains a network of international partner firms and can assist UK estate practitioners with obtaining or resealing Grants or obtaining new Grants in the following jurisdictions:

  • Australia
  • New Zealand 
  • Canada 
  • Jersey 
  • Guernsey 
  • Isle of Man 
  • Hong Kong 
  • Singapore 
  • Malaysia 
  • Ireland

Title Research has specialised in the administration of international assets for 20 years and as a result, has built its own network of international probate practitioners. This means that we can help UK estate practitioners navigate cross-border assets where different legal authority may be required. 

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We can support you with Medallion Signature Guarantees. We have a stamp with a bond limit of $500,000. 

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