Introducing our new guide: The estate administration timeline
Aug 29, 2019 9:00:00 AM
Learn how to make the estate administration process easier by outsourcing specialist tasks to professionals.
The estate administration process can be long and complex at times, especially when you’re dealing with an intestate estate, missing beneficiaries, or overseas assets. This guide explores what’s involved in the key stages of the estate administration timeline, the risks that may present themselves, and what tasks can be outsourced to a specialist to make administering the estate easier.
In this guide, we'll guide you through the following ten stages of the timeline:
1. Determining if the deceased died testate or intestate
2. Ascertaining entitled beneficiaries
3. Identifying, valuing and securing assets
4. Paying Inheritance Tax
5. Applying for the Grant of Representation or resealing the Grant
6. Receiving the Grant of Representation
7. Gathering in UK and overseas assets
8. Paying any debts
9. Distributing the estate to beneficiaries
10. Post-process tasks
Within each stage, we'll explore:
The risks and challenges that present themselves
The solutions to overcome the risks and challenges
What can be outsourced to a specialist
How Title Research can assist
Click here to download your free copy of the estate administration timeline guide.
Topics: Estate administration, Guide, Mitigate risk